Jan 21, 2016
Store shelves are being ransacked across the East Coast today as ignorant consumers stock up on disease-promoting processed foods to wait out the storm.
If you're an American, you can never quite have enough high fructose corn syrup, right?
Governors of two states have now declared a state of emergency because apparently modern society is so weak and fragile that WEATHER is now an emergency everywhere.
There are some huge lessons in all this; namely that the entire supply of food in America is paper thin and easily wiped out in 24 hours or less.
The second lesson is that you should make sure you're prepared in advance so that you're not stuck in the mad rush to acquire supplies when a storm is approaching.
The third lesson is that you will NOT have advanced warning for many unknowable events (such as an EMP attack), meaning your ability to resupply at that point is zilch. (Hence, supply yoursef in advance...)
By the way, I'm coming out with an impressive new certified organic storable food line in about 6 weeks. It's going to make many non-organic storable food products totally obsolete. Watch for that at http://www.NaturalNews.com and http://www.STORE.NaturalNews.com